St Joseph Table

The 1st Thursday of the month, St. Joseph Parish hosts a dinner for those needing a hot meal in the Parish Hall from 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm.

Social Committee

This Committee aims to plan and coordinate social activities for parishioners of all ages.  Past events include movie nights, an ice cream social, bingo, a ham dinner, and an Italian night.

Coffee and Donuts

Coffee and donuts are available during the fall, winter, and spring months every Sunday in the parish hall after the 9:00 Mass. This time for socializing allows all to get to know their fellow parishioners. We give special thanks to the hospitality of the volunteers who serve.

Homebound and Nursing Home

This committee offers many opportunities to live out Jesus’ message of loving one another. Volunteers provide the Eucharist to shut-ins and nursing home patients and visit hospital patients at Melrose-Wakefield Hospital. At Bear Hill Nursing Home, Extraordinary Ministers also pray the Rosary and sing hymns and “Oldies But Goodies” with the patients.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Joseph Parish is committed to assisting the needy of our parish and community. Its members offer a sense of caring and concern to those in need. We do not approach the needy as critics, but as friends. Our purpose is not to assess blame, but to help our neighbors achieve satisfying solutions to their difficulties. Members of St. Vincent de Paul find in their service to the poor an opportunity to serve God, who in a very special way has identified Himself with the poor. Members assist with our semi-annual Mission Drive each fall and spring to collect food for the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry and the Society makes a monthly donation to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry.

St. Vincent de Paul members are available in the rectory every Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 am to noon to meet those in need.

Soup Kitchen Program – My Brother’s Table, Lynn MA

3rd Thursday of each Month
Over 400 hundred people are served each night at this soup kitchen.
Our commitment involves serving food to the needy on the first Wednesday of each month with volunteers serving three times a year. Volunteers assist in the serving of food from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. Rides are provided from St. Joseph’s parking lot.

2nd Weekend of each Month
Parishioners donate snacks and desserts which are delivered to My brother’s Table in Lynn. Food donations may be left in the library of the Church foyer.