We offer several options for healing…

Healing Mass

Jesus continues to heal today as He did 2000 years ago. At the Healing Mass, we bring our needs and infirmities to the Lord through the Eucharist. We believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, and we ask His healing to come upon us as we say before Communion, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

The Healing Mass is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Inner Healing Ministry

The Inner Healing Ministry helps individuals and families who are seeking healing from past hurt and emotional wounds. As in the past God stills heals his children today. The Inner Healing Ministry is one of the resources available at St. Joseph Parish that facilitates the inner healing process.

When seeking inner healing, Jesus is invited into the areas of our lives where clean-up is needed. God’s peace, blessings and healing may be blocked by our way of life. One can identify blockages by asking the following questions. Is it anger or unforgiveness? Are there curses or dealings with occults or non-Christian activities? Are there generational issues or unhealthy relationships? Addictions?

Trained prayer ministers are available to help with the inner healing process. Contact us for individual inner healing sessions that are held in confidence. Call or email the parish rectory. Just give your name and telephone number and a member of the team ministry will contact you.